Using Diversified Pathways to Reach GHG Reduction Targets

Using Diversified Pathways to Reach GHG Reduction Targets
In 2019, FortisBC commissioned Guidehouse, a well-regarded consultancy with expertise in both energy and environmental issues, to study how a diversified pathway that utilizes natural gas and electric systems could perform using many of the actions Fortis BC is taking today to pursue their 30BY30 target (to reduce their customers' emissions by 30% by 2030). These actions include:
• Investing in low carbon transportation
• Increasing the supply of Renewable Gas for Fortis BC customers
• Greater investment in energy efficiency programs and initiatives
Join CHBA Director of Net Zero Energy Housing Sonja Winkelmann and Ben Nishi, Regional Energy Solutions Manager at FortisBC, as they explore the Pathways to 2050 Report, and show how a pathway of diversified energy systems can achieve BC’s 2050 GHG emissions target.
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : Diversified-Pathways-Aug-26-2021-Webinar.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/pUmWbTLp95o