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CHBA hosts several webinars each year for members on a variety of topics about the residential construction industry and business information. Webinars are typically an hour long, with questions from the audience answered live. The webinar archive is available on-demand for members who are logged in to the website. Upcoming webinars, including registration links, can also be found below. If you're having trouble logging in to your web account, please contact us.

Energy Modelling and Airtightness Testing

Energy Modelling and Airtightness Testing

CHBA Webinars

This webinar focuses on two significant proposed code changes aimed at builders, renovators and energy advisors who use (or consider using) energy modeling and airtightness testing to design and build their energy efficient homes. Alex Ferguson from NRCan will explain how the proposed compliance metric for whole building energy use works and which building shapes and architectural features may profit from the new metric. Mark Rosen from Building Knowledge Canada will explain how and why NLR50 is proposed to become the new airtightness metric for code compliance with the NBC Section 9.36. Like Alex, Mark will also highlight which building types may profit from this proposed change. And if time allows after some questions and answers, we will explain how you can access these and other proposed change document and how to submit comments.

Presented by:

  • Alex Bols, Senior Technical Advisor, Codes and Standards, CHBA
  • Mark Rosen, Director of Building Science, Building Knowledge Canada
  • Alex Ferguson, Housing Team Project Leader, Natural Resources Canada
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