CHBA hosts several webinars each year for members on a variety of topics about the residential construction industry and business information. Webinars are typically an hour long, with questions from the audience answered live. The webinar archive is available on-demand for members who are logged in to the website. Upcoming webinars, including registration links, can also be found below. If you're having trouble logging in to your web account, please contact us.
Discover the flexibility of using a tested air tight continuous insulation (CI) wall system for your NZE project

Discover the flexibility of using a tested air tight continuous insulation (CI) wall system for your NZE project
More stringent energy codes require a different approach to the design of the building envelope. Builders are examining new ways of constructing walls that maximizes the performance of the different components by integrating them into one system.
This webinar will examine:
• How continuous insulation significantly contributes to achieving a high effective R-value
• Why spray foam offers design flexibility as an insulation, vapour and air barrier system
• How the roof, foundation and walls work together to ensure an air tight building envelope
Bob Deeks of RDC Homes will profile one of his NZE Ready projects using BASF’s HP+ XR wall system.
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : 2018-05-31_BASF Webinar - combined deck.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/46q3E9bl8Wo
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