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 HBA Knowledge center

The knowledge centre is a valuable tool that provides CHBA's leadership with access to a wealth of information and resources. It serves as a centralized hub for all the latest news, trends, and best practices in the housing industry.

The knowledge centre features a wide range of resources, including industry reports, research studies, policy briefs, and case studies. It also offers access to training materials, and other educational resources that can help CHBA's leadership stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the housing industry. By leveraging this platform, the organization's leaders are better equipped to navigate the complex challenges that the industry faces and to identify new opportunities for growth and innovation.

Knowledge Centre - HBA

Knowledge Centre - HBA

Info for EOs regarding mentoring support available

Executive Officers (EOs) who are new to the association occasionally ask if CHBA has a formal mentoring program in place for association staff leaders. A formal mentoring program has been explored, but in working with the EOs, it has been concluded that a variety of options that can serve as informal mentoring are a better solution for HBA EOs, and to that end, there is lots of informal mentoring support available.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding membership renewal and recruitment resources

CHBA continues to create resources to communicate the value of membership at all levels of the association to help support HBAs with membership recruitment and retention. If you would like to see resources created in addition to the ones that are below, please let us know.

Natasha Rombough

Info for EOs and Members regarding multiple membership fees

This issue comes up from time to time as larger companies who operate in multiple localities wonder why they pay the provincial and national fee in each local. If you’re having difficulty answering the question yourself, the following information explains the national fee structure.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding tradeshow signage

CHBA has portable signage that HBAs can reserve and borrow for their own events.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding Net Zero

CHBA and its members have a long tradition of leadership in voluntary programming in energy efficiency, and one of CHBA’s strategic priorities is to advance innovation. CHBA’s Net Zero Energy Housing Council guides the association’s efforts in high‐performance housing. Through the Council, the Net Zero Energy Labelling Program was conceived, resources for members have been developed, and consumer marketing of CHBA Net Zero Homes is a regular part of CHBA’s communications, all of which give members who are voluntarily pu

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding the Leadership Awards

Each year, the Canadian Home Builders’ Association recognizes the outstanding work of dedicated volunteer members – as well as the leadership shown by our local and provincial HBAs and their EOs – through its national Association Leadership Awards program. Being recognized with a national award is a great promotional opportunity that can be leveraged many ways throughout the year.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding Awardify

Awardify is a Canadian awards software solution that many HBAs use to administer their housing awards.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding Awards Judges

Finding judges for housing awards competitions can be a challenge, especially as committed judges in your area get fatigued, or if it’s a particularly busy time of year.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding the New Construction Listing Service

Configure: New ContentHtml_2_1 For the past year and a half CHBA has been exploring the opportunity of creating a “multi-listing service” for new developments and new home construction for our members.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding

Each year, CHBA reports on the significant economic impact of the residential construction industry for the previous year, across Canada at the national, provincial and community levels.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding PDF

CHBA’s annual Professional Development Forum for Executive Officers is an opportunity for Executive Officers and HBA staff to network (a huge value for EOs when back home) and learn the latest techniques and skills for building and maintain a strong and effective association.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding Events calendar

The National website has a public calendar to showcase what’s happening in our association across the country. Having events listed is a great way to show members and potential members how active our association is at all levels.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding Home Building Week in Canada

Home Building Week in Canada consists of National Committee and Council meetings, the Board of Directors meeting and Annual Meeting of Members in the first half of the week, followed by the National Conference program in the second half of the week.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding

CHBA has assembled the following content, from multiple sources, to help support HBAs who are facing tough choices regarding staff employment during COVID-19. The information below is not advice coming from CHBA, and is for internal HBA use only.

Chloe Perreault

Info for EOs and Members regarding Fall Meetings

Held in Ottawa each year, the CHBA Fall Meetings see the National Committees and Councils and Board of Directors meet to conduct the business of the association. These are important meetings for national committee/council members and their associated EOs to attend, to advance both the business of the national association as well as that of local and provincial HBAs.

Natasha Rombough

Info for EOs and Members regarding the Home Buyer Preference Survey

The CHBA Home Buyer Preference Survey (special page for survey participation is here), Powered By Avid Ratings, is the largest market research study in Canada for new home buyer preferences. Thousands of Canadians across the country who have recently purchased homes give their feedback on more than 50 in-depth areas of home design, building features, buying preferences, and demographics.

Derek Williams

Info for EOs and Members regarding CHBA's Day on the Hill

Each year, CHBA hosts an advocacy day called Day on the Hill during which select members of CHBA leadership, and the EOs who support them, attend meetings with parliamentarians to discuss federal housing-related issues. This invite-only (due to a limited number of meetings) event takes place over three days and includes a mandatory prep day, a meetings and reception day, and a debrief at the CHBA Board of Directors meeting on Day 3.

Chloe Perreault
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