Understanding the Challenges of Electrifying Heating Loads: A Case Study for Builders

Understanding the Challenges of Electrifying Heating Loads: A Case Study for Builders
The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act enshrines in legislation Canada’s commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To better understand the impacts of this transition, FortisBC conducted an electrification costing study for the city of Kelowna. FortisBC is both a gas and electric utility, and Kelowna is covered by both the gas and electric sides of the utility, so FortisBC knows the gas loads, the capacity of the current electric distribution grid, and can determine what capital upgrades are necessary to increase capacity, and the associated costs. Join us for this webinar to hear the results of this study and see the dynamic model that can be used to play out different scenarios, not just in BC, but across Canada.
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SLIDE DECK : 2023-11-08-FortisBC-Webinar-deck-for-posting.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/4jJbBErY0kA