CHBA hosts several webinars each year for members on a variety of topics about the residential construction industry and business information. Webinars are typically an hour long, with questions from the audience answered live. The webinar archive is available on-demand for members who are logged in to the website. Upcoming webinars, including registration links, can also be found below. If you're having trouble logging in to your web account, please contact us.
Top 6 Net Zero Technical Challenges

Top 6 Net Zero Technical Challenges
Learn what the latest technical challenges are for getting to Net Zero – including new homes, MURBs, and renos? Join us for this riveting presentation on current hot topics in the Net Zero space. Brett walks you through our top 6 picks including Hot2000 modelling, compartmentalization and occupant baseloads/plug loads – PLUS learn what we’re doing about them. Brett also provides some fun facts on the 400+ homes labelled in the program to-date, including details on the technologies and building assemblies used as well as the performance levels achieved. He’ll also tell you about a new project that will invite builder members to provide feedback on their experiences with energy efficiency requirements.
BONUS: Don’t miss your chance to “stump the Net Zero chump” during the 15-minute question and answer segment after the presentation. We have our resident Net Zero Heroes from the Management Committee, Technical Committee, MURB Project and Reno Working Group in attendance to answer all your questions!
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : 2020-10-20-Top-6-Net-Zero-Technical-Challenges.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdQxiAOPVOs
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