Rapid Housing and Horse Dance Lodge: From Foundation to 29-unit Residential Complex in 5 Months – Part of the "Working with Modular" webinar series

Rapid Housing and Horse Dance Lodge: From Foundation to 29-unit Residential Complex in 5 Months – Part of the "Working with Modular" webinar series
Part of the federal government’s Rapid Housing Initiative, Horse Dance Lodge, or misatimosimôwin mîhkowâp in Cree, is a showcase example of the power of partnerships and utilizing advancements in multi-unit modular housing development. The 29-unit supportive housing complex was craned in Regina, Saskatchewan over 2 days in April 2023 and completed just 5 months later. Designed and engineered by Indigenous-owned firms in collaboration with Big Block Construction, the complex is owned and operated by entities under File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council. Today, it is a transitional place for people in need of supportive housing, empowering them to move toward independence.
About the "Working with Modular" Webinar Series
“Working with Modular” is a six-part webinar series highlighting the features and benefits of modular construction. The content is designed to inform on-site builders and developers, code officials, municipal planners and housing specialists, government departments, lenders, warranty providers and other stakeholders engaged in the residential construction industry.
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