CHBA hosts several webinars each year for members on a variety of topics about the residential construction industry and business information. Webinars are typically an hour long, with questions from the audience answered live. The webinar archive is available on-demand for members who are logged in to the website. Upcoming webinars, including registration links, can also be found below. If you're having trouble logging in to your web account, please contact us.
How Municipalities Can Enable Net-Zero Construction (A feasibility study in 4 cities over 8 sites, funded by FCM/GMF)

How Municipalities Can Enable Net-Zero Construction (A feasibility study in 4 cities over 8 sites, funded by FCM/GMF)
This webinar features lessons from the trenches of real projects. Four cities partnered with FCM/GMF to assess 8 project sites for technical feasibility (how to build net-zero neighbourhoods in 8 cases), financial feasibility (ie: how to fund it), and process feasibility (ie: how to get a permit). The participating cities all hosted mock-trial approvals processes and reported all the lessons learned. This webinar will cover the outcomes. (Find the report here.)
Some key things that you’ll hear more about in this webinar:
- Technologies that enabled Net-Zero neighbourhood design in each of the 8 case studies;
- Policies that work for enabling solar and district energy;
- Incentives that are self-funding, which municipalities can actually afford, and which are actually helpful to builders.
- Template legislation enabling net-zero energy systems and incentives which municipalities can adapt and adopt right now – ready for implementation.
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : FCM-Feasibility-Study.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/F8daPkcLOZg
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