High Performance Walls for Net Zero/Ready Homes Series: Webinar #3

High Performance Walls for Net Zero/Ready Homes Series: Webinar #3
There’s a need for changes in wall design, detailing, and construction to move towards more highly insulated assemblies required to reach Net Zero and Net Zero Ready levels of performance. Exterior wall systems are an important consideration that determine much of the cost and constructability of a home. Details left for consideration on-site can lead to delays, costs, and deficiencies.
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is using learnings from its Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP) Initiative in British Columbia to establish some common wall assembly designs and details that builders, designers, and trades across Canada can use or modify for Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Homes.
Presented by Graham Finch, MASc, P.Eng, Dipl.T
Graham is a Principal and Senior Building Science Specialist with RDH Building Science. He has a passion for technology and improving the energy efficiency and resiliency of new and existing buildings. Graham is involved in a wide range of projects at RDH including: building research studies, forensic investigations, building performance monitoring, hygrothermal modeling, and engineering consulting on existing building retrofits and new construction across Canada and the US. He is regularly invited to present to industry groups on the latest building science topics and has co-authored several publications and practical industry guidelines on high performance building enclosures.
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : CHBA-Webinar-3-Deep-and-Double-Stud-Walls.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/LnNVFdATPb8