Getting to Net Zero with Modular

Getting to Net Zero with Modular
Learn more about efforts underway to utilize modular construction to achieve Net Zero Energy levels of performance. CHBA’s Net Zero Project Manager, Marie Hanchet provides an update on the NRCan funded project “Affordable, Replicable, and Marketable Net Zero Ready MURBs”. Hear from one of the project builders, Alex Miller from Big Block Construction, how their first Modular Net Zero MURB recently came together in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. You’ll also learn about a LEEP Modular project with 10 builds, including a single-family project by Grandeur Housing in Winkler, Manitoba that’s also going to be Net Zero.
Presented by Marie Hanchet of CHBA, Alex Miller of Big Block Construction, Clarice Kramer of NRCan, and Cory Warms of Grandeur Housing
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : 2020-10-19-Getting-to-Net-Zero-with-Modular.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqW8LXZPkwE