Code Compliance for Modular Construction - Part of the "Working with Modular" webinar series

Code Compliance for Modular Construction - Part of the "Working with Modular" webinar series
This webinar is predominantly aimed at building officials as it will describe how codes compliance is verified for factory-constructed buildings including provincial variations. The webinar will also explain how the factory certification according to CSA A277 works and what that means for code officials.
About the "Working with Modular" Webinar Series
“Working with Modular” is a six-part webinar series highlighting the features and benefits of modular construction. The content is designed to inform on-site builders and developers, code officials, municipal planners and housing specialists, government departments, lenders, warranty providers and other stakeholders engaged in the residential construction industry.
Additional Info
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/2JQskSLAPBY
Public : Yes