CHBA hosts several webinars each year for members on a variety of topics about the residential construction industry and business information. Webinars are typically an hour long, with questions from the audience answered live. The webinar archive is available on-demand for members who are logged in to the website. Upcoming webinars, including registration links, can also be found below. If you're having trouble logging in to your web account, please contact us.
Budget 2019

Budget 2019
The 2019 Federal Budget was tabled on Tuesday, March 19, and CHBA and MNP LLP hosted an exclusive in-depth analysis three days later on how this budget will impact the residential construction industry, your business, your customers, and the broader economy in your community. Join Kevin Lee, CHBA's CEO, and Peter Bangs, Partner in Taxation Services at MNP LLP as they walk you through the policy and taxation implications of Budget 2019 from the perspective of our industry.
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : 2019-03-22-Budget-Webinar-CHBA-MNP.pdf
Download File : 2019-CHBA-Budget-Review.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbf6G8NwUg0
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