Accessible Dwellings

Accessible Dwellings
This webinar will give a detailed description of proposed changes to the National Building Code that address adaptability and visitability of homes in Canada. Brigitte Potvin and Vicki Komisar, both Technical Advisors from NRC Codes Canada will introduce the background and the technical details of the proposed changes. Gary Sharp from Sharp Home Technologies will describe CHBA’s Adaptiv Home Program and its methods and practices. The speakers and CHBA staff will answer your questions. CHBA will be submitting comments on behalf of members, and if time allows during the webinar, we will also show you how you can participate in the public review process, including where to find the accessibility proposed changes, and how you can submit your own comments in addition to those submitted by CHBA on behalf of members.
Presented by:
Gary Sharp, Adaptiv Home Renovation Course Instructor
Brigitte Potvin, Technical Advisor, Codes Canada NRC
Vicki Komisar, Technical Advisor and Member of the Fire and Life Safety Team, Codes Canada NRC
Alex Bols, Senior Technical Advisor, CHBA,
Sarah Caron, Director, Renovation Services, CHBA
Frank Lohmann, Director, Building Science, CHBA
Additional Info
SLIDE DECK : CHBA-AccessibilityWebinar.pdf
EmbedSrc : https://youtu.be/zCs_vcouQyE