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London HBA and Tricar Group host a charity soccer tournament for local homelessness fund
A fund dedicated to helping London’s homeless population received a boost from the region’s home builders. The second annual Constructors Cup, a charity soccer tournament hosted by London HBA in conjunction with Tricar Group, raised $70,000 for The Health and Homelessness Fund for Change, which is administered by the London Community Foundation. $17,500 was raised during the one-day tournament and matched by Tricar Group to bring the total to $35,000. The donation was then raised to $70,000 by the anonymous donor family who originally spearheaded The Health and Homelessness Fund for Change with a $25 million commitment.
The proceeds are being put towards the implementation of a whole of community system response to the crisis of homelessness in the London area, including for the Wiiigwaminaan Lodge, an Indigenous-led hub that aims to address Indigenous homelessness beyond the winter months.
Learn more about how other CHBA members are giving back to the community by following #CdnBuilt on social media or visiting Giving Back on the blog.