Federal Minister of Housing Meeting, Tariffs, HMI, Registration Now Open, and more
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In this issue:

  • CHBA Meets with Federal Minister of Housing
  • CHBA Webinar on Tariffs 
  • Are you using the CHBA National Advantages Program as an employment perk?
  • Multi-Family Builder Sentiment Reaches New Low
  • Registration Now Open for Home Building Week 2025 in Victoria, BC
  • Prepare for tiered codes with training rebates through NRCan
  • Join the RenoMark Program Today!
  • Hail and Basement Flooding Resilience Surveys

CHBA Meets with Federal Minister of Housing     

CHBA CEO Kevin Lee met with the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, to participate in a virtual roundtable with key leaders in the housing sector on the potential impact of U.S. tariffs and retaliatory measures on Canada’s housing system. Discussion also centred around how the federal government can best support the sector to continue advancing the country’s housing goals. Lee spoke to areas of concern for CHBA members and reiterated the need for the federal government to make the housing crisis a top priority in negotiations. Lee also recapped CHBA’s ask that the federal government exclude construction materials from any retaliatory tariffs imposed on the United States, remove GST on housing, and address municipal development taxes to help offset any potential capture in retaliatory measures. 


The Canadian Home Builders' Association

141 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 500

Ottawa, ON K1P 5J3


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