Tariffs, Federal Election, Burden of Regulation Win, Training Rebate for Tiered Codes, and more
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In this issue:

  • U.S. President Trump and Tariffs
  • CHBA Moves into Federal Election Mode with Prorogation of Parliament and Liberal Leadership Race
  • Save the Date: Home Building Week in Canada | May 11-15 | Victoria, BC
  • Policy Win for Members Reducing Burden of Regulation
  • Get Ready for Tiered Codes: New Training Rebate Program Helping Builders Prepare
  • CHBA Members Get Discounted Admisstion to IBS in Las Vegas
  • Proposed Code Change to Mandate Mechanical Cooling in all Homes
  • 2024 CHBA Activities Wrap Up

CHBA Moves into Federal Election Mode with Prorogation of Parliament and Liberal Leadership Race

In the first week of January, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he was granted prorogation of Parliament during which time the Liberal Party of Canada would select a new leader. Prorogation means all parliamentary activity, including legislation and committee work, is suspended until March 24th. Members of Parliament are released from their parliamentary duties and return to their constituencies. This prorogation means that CHBA’s Day on the Hill won’t happen in February because MPs will not be in Ottawa, and CHBA has shifted into pre-election preparation. From an advocacy standpoint, CHBA has strong relationships with all major parties and regular meetings, committee appearances, and correspondence have ensured that MPs and party leadership are aware of industry concerns and recommendations.

Air Source Heat Pump

2024 CHBA Activities Wrap Up  

CHBA has had a busy year supporting your business, whether it was by putting industry issues front and centre in media to get policy change, spending thousands of staff hours engaging with the federal government, and growing important CHBA initiatives to support members like you. And of course, all of it was made possible thanks to volunteer members and the support of our Alliance Network. Check out the video to see highlights from last year. The new year has started fast and furious, so get ready for a busy 2025.  


The Canadian Home Builders' Association

141 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 500

Ottawa, ON K1P 5J3


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